Showing posts with label Netwoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netwoking. Show all posts

16 October, 2014

What is Juniper IDP 200 Sensor

IDP 200 Sensor is optimal for medium central sites or large branch offices.

 IT features : 8 Copper Ethernet ports (10/100/1000Mbps)
                      1 Dedicated Management port
                      1 Dedicated High Availability port
                      1 Serial console port

15 October, 2014

What is IDP 50 Sensor

The IDP 50 Sensor is optimal for small networks or low-speed network segments.

It features : 2 Copper Ethernet ports (10/100/1000Mbps)
                    1 Dedicated Management Port
                    1 Dedicated High Availability Port
                    1 Serial Console Port

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12 November, 2012

Easy Configure your linksys WAP54G ( Access Point)

Access point mode - this mode allows wireless client to connect to the access point and routes traffic between the wireless and wired interface. Use this mode to create a standard wireless infrastructure network by default the AP mode is set to access point. 

1.   Push the reset button while it's powered up, release the reset button then unplug and replug the power cord.

2.  You router's IP Address is, you may just hardware your point directly to the router and on your computer launch an internet explorer or any browser. On the address bar type in type in admin as password, No username. 

3.   If you are configuring the device without a router or if the router has a local Ip address other then get your computer and hardware the access point to it and assign a static IP address , EG Open a browser an access on your address bar , Password is Admin. 

4. By default in the setup page under network setup, configuration type is set to static IP, leaveit as it is or if your router has different network settings (x. you may change the ip address following the range of your existing network (  default gateway should be thge ip address of your router , save settings. clokc now on AP MODE sub-tab , select on access point and save the settings .

5.  Click now on wireless and configure your wireless settings sub-tab and select the desired encryption ( WEP, WPA -Personal, WPA2 mixed, WPA2-enterprise, RADIUS0) these are the security supported on the latest version releases. take note of your eccryption and of course save the settings Turn off the access point and unplug it from the computer , set the computer's ip address back to obtain. Connect the access point to your router/switch regular port and power it up. It's ready now for testing . Should there be any  problem. try to power cycle the whole network.

(B) WiFi Repeater: Enter the wifi mac address  of the access point whose signal wyou would like to repeat. Do the same things you did in setting the device to AP but this time on the AP mode tab , select on wifi repeater radio button and make sure you know the wifi mac address of your router or another WAP54G ( status tab> wifi) since you need to input that in the blank field alloted. save the settings and check if you can connect. 

AP Client:  this will allow the divice to act as a wifi client . You can enter the wifi mac address of the access point or use the site survey button to select the access point you want to connect. 

under the AP mode tab, select AP client and push on the site survey button to check for the wifi network you want to connect and select it automatically it will copy its wifi mac or you can manually type in the wifi mac  of your network network source. 

WiFi Bridge: This is to create a wifi connection between two or more wired networks . this mode connects the physically separated, wired network using multiple access points. wireless clients  will not be able to connect to the access point in this mode. Enter the WiFi MAC address of the wireless access points that you would like to bridge together. 

Know the Wireless mac of your other access point and input it on the blank field. and do the same thing to the other WAP, they just change Wireless mac to ensure that only recognize each other. No intrusion form another network. 

If you have any problem then make sure your perform a complete power button.

09 December, 2011

How to Change IP address within 30secend without Software.

In this Post i am going to show you how to change your Ip ( Internat Profile) address using a basic ' Command Prompt' All computers operating on windows have the ablity to perform a command prompt.
You may need to change your IP address for various reasons, It could be that you have been directed to by your ISP ( Internet Service Provider, for example Verizon or AOL), or you could be just truing to evade a ban form a website.
Feel free to pause, rewind or fast- forword the video at any time
1. OK, To begin, Click 'Start' and Run.
2. In the box that appears type 'CMD' this is a shortcut to open the command prompt menu.
3. A box like tha one on the ScreenShort should apperar.
Now this is important, you need to enter the following into the windows which just appeared exactly ( IPconfig/release)

4. If you lose internet connection, this is normal and will be resolved in the next step.
5. Now type "Ipconfig/renew"

6. Notice your internet connection is again working.
And that's it! You should now have a brand new IP address, In some caes you may have to restart your computer for changed to take effcect.
Please subscibe for more! and remember this tricks.