01 February, 2016

Fundary Network WFS 624-POE

How to enable PoE foundry Switch?
 How to enable PoE Cisco Switch and fundary switch ?
 How to enable PoE Switch?

need putty software for connect poe switch to pc by consule cable. 


  most time use this comment for PoE Switch. 
 1. Connect your device by consul cable .
 2. use Puty or some other programs for comment promote
 then type " enable" Enter .
 3. again type " config t" for configuration Terminal then Enter.
 4. then again type " interface ethernet "Port number" " if you want open PoE port number 1. then you have type exm: interface ethernet 1 then enter
 5. for power inline type " inline power" Or "power inline" then enter .

6. then type end and for come out comment promote type exit.
 Hope it will help for you and your PoE switch.
 Now connect your any PoE device to Port 1 for use without extra Power.

Now i will show you how to enable power inline of Fundary WFS 624-poe.

 1. Connect your device by consul cable .
 2. use Puty or some other programs for comment promote
 then type " enable" Enter .
 3. again type " config t" for configuration Terminal then Enter.
 4. then again type " interface ethernet "Port number" " if you want open PoE port number 1. then you have type exm: interface ethernet 0/1/1  for port one, for port two
interface ethernet 0/1/2 then enter
 5. for power inline or inline power type " inline power" Or "power inline" then enter .

then type wr mem for save comment .
6. then type end and for come out comment promote type exit.
 Hope it will help for you and your PoE switch.
 Now connect your any PoE device to Port 1 for use without extra Power.

Now my port 9 active and connected with poe access point.
just follow next 10 -24 port . all comment same for all port but you should type port number .

my fws624 poe 24 switch have 24 port only.  now all are active for poe devices . 

Thank you very much for stay with me. 

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